Here you can find videos, photos and information of Pakistani & Indian pigeons like teddy, golden, rampuri, 35 walay, bateray, dab walay and many more

Bankay Kabooter (Pigeons) of Lala Ghulam Farid Khan (Late)

Hi friends,

After a long long time I am back into the game and from now on I will try to remain active on this blog. I am restarting this blog with the pigeons of a great great pigeon fancier who was very famous and will remain famous in indo-pak pigeons history. I am going to post pictures of Late Lala Ghulam Farid Khan's Bankay pigeons which are very very beautiful and eye catching birds. Nowadays every other guy claim to have bankay kabooter and they also rip off many new fanciers who don't know how the actual bankay pigeons look like. So, friends see these pictures very carefully keep your money in your pockets until or unless you see bankay someone like these in someone's house ;)

Please click on the image to see full version.


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  1. very nice pigeons yar .. please help me to get good pigeons

  2. Very nice pegions. Masallah, I need this pegion chiks.+8801711981546


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