Here you can find videos, photos and information of Pakistani & Indian pigeons like teddy, golden, rampuri, 35 walay, bateray, dab walay and many more

Khatang ( Indian Pigeons )

This very beautiful breed named Khatang found in many colors and they are very good fliers of winter. Khatang pigeons belong to India and in my opinion they are corss breed between Iranian and Indian pigeons ( maybe I am wrong but this is my opinion :) ). Unlike from Irani pigeons they do not tumble...

Sialkoti Choohay Pigeons

This intelligent pigeon breed belongs to sialkot and they are famous for their homing instincts. People say that if any breed lacks homing abilities then one should cross pair them with Choha breed for excellent homing abilities. Pictures of below birds belong to Mr. Waqar Aze...

White Mokoya (Indian Breed)

These pigeons are really rare and I have seen only this pair in my life, unfortunately only in picture. These are very beautiful pigeons with small beak. This pair belongs to Mr. Tarande...

Patti Walay Or Madrassi Pigeons

Here is a picture of Patti Walay pigeons or also known as Madrassis in India. This pair belongs to Mr. Subhash (Nep...

35 Wala Picture

Here is a picture of 35 wala pigeon from Bilal Sahib of Uae Tipplers Cl...

Rampuri Pigeons

Here is a video of famous rampuri pigeons of India from Mr. Ayub Merchant's fa...

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